16 Hidden Features of ChatGPT that Will Blow Your Mind

It’s 2023 and almost everyone learning about chatGPT and it is in trending topic. People are exploring and getting many jobs done with the help of the most advanced AI in the world. But when I found this information about chatGPT I can imagine the AI ocean and human thought. Soon we will see a new world, let’s find out…

ChatGPT – Next Human?

16 Hidden Features of ChatGPT that Will Blow Your Mind
ChatGPT – Next Human?
  1. Answering follow-up questions: I can understand and respond to follow-up questions in a conversation.
  • Image captioning: I can generate captions for images based on the image’s content.
  • Text-to-speech: I can convert text into spoken words using a computer-generated voice.
  • Sentiment Analysis: I can analyse text and determine the sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) of the text.
  • Text classification: I can classify text into different categories based on its content.
  • Named-entity recognition: I can identify and extract specific information such as names, dates, and locations from the text.
  • Content generation: I can generate new text, such as articles, stories, and scripts, based on a given prompt.
  • Knowledge base: I have access to a vast knowledge base, which allows me to answer questions and provide information on a wide range of topics.
  • Generating human-like text: I am trained on a large dataset of text and can generate human-like responses to a wide variety of questions and prompts.
  1. Understanding context: I am able to understand the context of a conversation and respond appropriately.
  1. Multi-lingual support: I can understand and respond to prompts in multiple languages.
  1. Summarization: I can summarize large amounts of text into a shorter and more concise version.
  1. Answering specific questions: I can answer specific questions by searching and extracting relevant information from my training data.
  1. Generating creative text: I can generate creative text such as poetry, stories, and even jokes.
  1. Generating code: I can generate code in various programming languages.
  1. Language Translation: I am capable of translating text from one language to another with a good level of accuracy.

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